Monday, August 29, 2016

Week of 8/29/16

Weekly Update
Week of 8/29/16

I apologize for some of the craziness last week. I am back in class beginning today! This week we will still be doing some assessments and baseline testing to get an idea of where everyone is to start the school year. We will be spending most of the week working on Fountas and Pinnell (F/P) reading assessments. This is where students read 1on 1 with me to figure out what level they are to begin the year. This does take some time to complete, so we're hoping to be done this week. 

We will also be starting math this week. We will be working through lesson 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4. We will have homework typically for math each night, Monday-Thursday. This homework is more practice for lessons we do in class that day. 

Thank you very much for being understanding this past week, and the nice messages I received from your kids when I stopped in last week! Please also remember to get all of the paperwork turned back in ASAP! I do appreciate those who signed up for BINGO too, it helps a ton! 

Looking ahead, remember this Monday is Labor Day and we will not have school!

Mr. Gordon
Go Rams!

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